In the upper central part of the coin, on the smooth field - a relief picture of the State Emblem of the Republic of Abkhazia, underneath - an inscription in Abkhazian “Аҧсны Абанк” (The Bank of Abkhazia). A semicircular inscription above the State Emblem indicates the denomination of the coin “10 ҦСАРК” (10 apsars). Along the rim to the left - an indication of the metal sign in accordance with the D.I. Mendeleyev Periodic System of Elements, to the right - the fineness, the mint’s trade mark. In the lower part of the coin, on the matted field there are small print inscriptions “Аҧсны Абанк” - the year of mintage "2009".
The composition is divided vertically into two equal parts by the inscription “Fazil Iskander”. In the right part – an image of F.A. Iskander, in the left part – the contour of mountain peaks and the seashore, grapevine twining around a tree. Along the rim to the right, on the matted field – an inscription “80 шықәса” (“80 years”).
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